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Saturday 20 July 2013

My Head Girl PART 4

Sorry for late post. It actually two month since my last post for my head girl. Here you are. present you MY HEAD GIRL PART 4. Hope you enjoy it and at least please comment. i want to know about your opinion. Dont be a silent reader^^

Geezzzzz… I’m sure I’ll give you payback. A major payback. How dare you messing with me? Sebelum ni tak ada siapa pun yang berani messing dengan dia sebab tak nak cari bala. He sure one heck of annoying guy.

How come dia selalu cari pasal dengan aku padahal aku tak pernah cari pasal pun dengan dia.

-      -Yeke Aina Syahirah? Bukan kau ke yang kantoikan dia masa hari tu.

 ~mana aku nak tahu yang kejar asap kat belakang tu dia and the gang. Lagipun masa tu aku bukan kenal dia pun.

-  - Lagipun tak ada faedah langsung cari pasal dengan dia. Makin buat aku sakit hati ada lah.

~ there, he caught your attention ^^

-   -   That annoying jerk? Sure he caught my attention but in bad way. Never ever in good way.

-      Are you actually hoping that he will caught your attention in a good way?

~Ishh,apsal pulak aku fikir pasal mamat ni. Sengal betul.  Sure aku tengah tingtong sekarang.


Semua pelajar berduyun-duyun menuju ke Dewan Alfa untuk assembly untuk hari ini. Kebetulan hari ini giliran rumah Alfa yang jadi tuan rumah untuk assembly, so semua pelajar berkumpul di sini. 

Biasanya kalau ada assembly mingguan, pihak sekolah akan buat di Dewan utama sekolah iaitu Dewan Aurum. Sound interesting kan nama dewan sekolah kami? If translated in layman term, it like ‘Dewan Emas’. 

Setiap rumah kat sekolah ni akan ada hall diorang sendiri. It is more like common room. Tempat untuk perjumpaan, aktiviti rumah. Our school altogether have 5 houses which are Alfa, Argentum, Beta, Sigma and Gamma. And I proudly announced that I’m one of Argentumian. That house is rock!!

Alfa stand for red, Beta for yellow, Sigma for blue and Gamma for green. Guess what my house stand for? It’s Argentum. What do you except? It’s silver babe!! No one can defeat us. We have been champion since last continuos  four years back. Our logo match us well. “ Argentum for glory”. Sound cocky right? Haha.

This year too I think it woul’nt be a problem again for us to winning strike 5 years unless there are major trasher in our house. Bless us, there is no one. I’m pretty sure.

“Aina, kau daydreaming ke apa ni? Aku panggil kau dari tadi lagi kau tak jawab. Biasanya kau tak macam ni pun.”

“eh? Kau panggil aku ke tadi? Apsal aku tak dengar pun?”

“kau nak dengar celah mana aku panggil kalau dah daydreaming macam tu.”

“hey, I’m not daydreaming lah. Don’t talk so loud my dear friend, nanti orang dengar jatuh saham aku. Mana nak letak muka.”

“yelah. Mesti major turn off kalau orang tahu head girl sorang ni kuat daydreaming. Mesti diorang dah tak takut kat kau. My friend, you actually have soft side of you but you never show off.”

“memang aku tak nak tunjuk pun. Aku tak nak orang ingat aku lemah, senang dipijak. You know how men like to downgrade us. I can’t accept.”

“yelah my dearie head girl. Kau menang. Aku memang kalah kalau berdebat dengan kau ni. Tapi aku sure Ehsan in one heck of difficult guy to find. One in million I think. He actually see soft side of you that anyone can’t see. Don’t take him for granted.”

-      Is Ehsan the one for me?

~I don’t know. We were both young. Anything can happen in future.

-      If Ehsan the one for you, don’t take him for granted.

~I don’t take him for granted

-      Yes, you are!!

~Betul ke?

-      Kalau betul, then layan dia baik-baik at least for his sake.

Then, I guess I need to. Lagipun, no harm done right?